Recommended on HolidayCheck 2020 - Olympia Golden Beach Resort & Spa

Recommended on HolidayCheck 2020

We are certified for one more year with the HolidayCheck.de recommendation award!

Olympia Golden Beach Resort & Spa is once again one of the highest rated hotels in HolidayCheck.de - Europe's largest hotel review portal.

This recognition is a great honour for us, especially in these difficult times, because it comes from the consistently high ratings of HolidayCheck.de travellers and this is an extremely important fact, because visitors are always the most objective judges.

The comments of our visitors are always important to us as they help us to become even better every year and to keep your holidays at a high level.

For Olympia Golden Beach Resort & Spa, which turns the visitor's holidays into a dream trip to luxury, this recognition is the most important reward for the services that are offered.

Escape from everyday life and let us provide to you our luxury services as only our excellent team knows. Our hotel has taken all measures to protect you in combination with your absolute satisfaction. For more information, do not hesitate to contact us at 26230-95999 or at Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!


Recommended on HolidayCheck 2020 - Olympia Golden Beach Resort & Spa

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